WPW173 - Backstage at 1990 USA & Nationals - Tazzie Colomb, Diane Carideo, Rhonda Lundstedt, Nicole Bass, Judy Moshkoski, Michelle Ivers, Sue Price, Lori Sarkisian, MaryEllen Campo and many others - (155 minutes) - Video Download
WPW released a few backstage videos over the years, but most were taken with a camcorder. Here, though, our regular pro-quality equipment was used and the picture quality is very good. An outdoors bodybuilding party is taped first, then we have 'backstage footage' at the two contests showing the women pumping up and hitting some shots. Nearly all the women are identified and some very top women are shown: Skye Ryland, Cathey Compton-Smith, Judy Miller, Shelley Beattie, Nikki Fuller, Tara Dodane, Cheryl Rath, Tazzie Colomb, Diane Carideo, Rhonda Lundstedt, Nicole Bass, Judy Moshkoski, Michelle Ivers, Sue Price, Lori Sarkisian, MaryEllen Campo and many others.
Runs 155 minutes.